Monday, October 27, 2008

More 2004 and 2008 Comparisons

A few days ago I wrote about how Barack Obama is outperforming both John Kerry and George Bush both nationally and in a couple of key states. Here is a quick update to that post. You can click on the graphs below to enlarge them and get a better look.

And here's one additional state for your viewing pleasure:

A couple of quick notes about these graphs. First, it does seem like, despite all the polls showing small movements here and there, the race has been pretty stable for the past 10 days or so. Second, Obama continues to do far better than Kerry* did, both at the national level and in key states. Third, the Florida race still looks a lot like a repeat of 2004, but with the parties flipped. I don't have any good reason for this, but it is interesting none-the-less. Finally, these numbers suggest that Obama is actually in a better position in Ohio than he is in Florida. I'm not sure if that jibes with my gut feeling, but them's the numbers.

*"Kerry" here refers to Senator John Kerry, 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate, and not to my Portland fan base. Hi Portland!

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