Monday, June 07, 2004

Michael Moore

Steve over at the Left Coaster thinks that Michael Moore's new movie Farenheit 9/11 is going to have an impact on the election this November.

I'm not so sure. I'd like to think that a reasoned, well-presented, feature-length film can chance some minds, but I suspect that won't be the movie's main effect. For reasons only partly stemming from Moore's own actions, he has been pegged as a wacko, far left nutball. This movie, more so even then Bowling for Columbine, seems to have already been characterized as a personal attack stemming from a personal political agenda. While it may or may not be justified to paint Farenheit with this brush, I think it will affect the political make-up of the audience. Best guess: half are lefties who already agree, 45% are righties who want to debunk, and the other 5% either wandered into the wrong movie or got dragged along by a friend.

I don't know how much actual impact this will have. I'd like to see some polling firm do some "exit polls" as it were to find out who is actually going to see this film.

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